It was bound to happen sooner than later. A diss to Nicki Minaj. And I have to confess Keys went in despite her lack of breath towards the end and both Rainbow shop jackets that she's wearing. (One coat would've sufficed.) *shrugs* I digress, the whole I am Sam, Sam I am Dr. Seuss style of rapping does nothing for me. Personal opinion. It's nice to see a female rapper that can actually spit. Now Keys just needs to build that stamina up, give her niece those jackets back and hit the studio. Kudos Keys...nicely done Ma. Now let's see if this illicit's the response you are clearly seeking. I understand, it's a dog eat dog world and if going in on the top female rapper gets your foot in the door than so be it! It's clearly more about image nowadays then talent anyway. Here's the link, have a look see.
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