We all are aware of the economic crisis our country is facing. Some claim to not be affected by the recession while others are experiencing lay-offs, early retirement and buy-outs. The latter would be the current situation with the company I am employed with. Being excessed (or transferred) to an unknown post office within a 100 mile range is the issue I now face. Now you may say it doesn't matter where I am transferred to as long as I have a job and I won't dispute that. The fact remains that I am very blessed to have the job I have, especially as a single mother of 3. My income has kept my children and myself above water for over 5 years now. But there are things in this life that I have not had the opportunity to experience. I have found a true talent and passion for writing. I also have a knack for networking and meeting people that others wish they could. I've toyed with the idea of getting involved in the entertainment business and with my daughters talent for acting I see this in my immediate future. After a few vacations to Los Angeles I have fallen completely in love with California and would love to relocate there. "It be calling me man.." Like Pookie in New Jack City, lol! So with that being said along with the changes with my job I feel inclined to seize the opportunity and take my chances in La La land. This may not be the best time to move to Cali with the state being in economic crisis but how long do we defer our dreams? Will there ever be a "right" time? Feel free to share your opinions..Do I stay or do I go?
*sighs* that pic takes me back lol. I say go this is something we have sat and talked about several nights the thought of Cali alone takes nme 2 a happy place. I think if you feel like that's where you should be do it. I am scared myself but I am so ready to pack up and leave Cincinnati behind. But it's your choice to go or not and I honestly think your in a better position than me to go out there.